We must move forward, not backward, upward not forward, and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Oh the stupidity!
The articles linked to in the 'What's New' box are rarely new or news worthy, but since yesterday, they've been really stupid - without even having to read anything but the titles.
Angelina (if you have to ask which Angelina...) has a "shocking new look"! She's "too thin?"
But right below that is yet another thing about quick, easy no-exercise weight loss!
About ableist language on my blog to any new readers - there is going to be some on old posts (pre November '09, I'd say roughly).
I'm not necessarily proud, but I'm not going to go back and edit the posts to clear them up, even though I want to and go look, I've been a good little activist all along!
But that's a lie and it's disingenuous. It's also a disservice to the few people who do read the posts.
On a personal note, it's a disservice to me. I can go look at my posts from 2008 and compare them to ones in 2010 and see how I've grown as a writer and as a human being. It's nice to see how far we've come in life, you know?
I am truly sorry if anything here hurts somebody, and even if it's on a post from 2006, do not feel shy to tell me - e-mail me at otrumpets at yahoo dot com or comment. (I get a notification with every comment, so if you do comment on an old one, I'll know and reply.)
Ableist Word Profile at FWD
This is a good place to start. It's an ongoing series.
The posts are "101" so feel free to ask questions, as long as they're not "FREE SPEECH!!!!" or "Why does this matter?"
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