Poor duddles.
It's off today, since Mom is at work and when she's gone he curls up in a ball and sleeps the day away, unless he gets to go on a walk.
Now, I think we have a picture of the stitches and such, but I won't post them.
However, Saturday night, two of Becky's guy friends came over, and conehead couldn't jump on them so he grumped by Mom. She picked him up and showed off the swelling, bruising, and general owieness of it all. Why? To keep them from having a girlfriend in high school, as they are too, too young - 15 or 16.
Sunday morning, he went outside with Mom to help her do whatever it was she was doing, and it was so windy he got picked up, he had no control over his body.
Poor dudders.
I gave him one benadryl this morning with his antibiotic, as we only have one pain tablet left, and I think the itching is a problem as much as the pain. And, it should make him sleepy enough to leave them alone.
He goes back next Monday to get the stitches removed. All but one of Wickett's had already been pulled out by Wickett, so let's see how Conehead does.
Wickett was so funny after the surgery - no cone, though. He'd wake up after sleeping on the couch, jump down, take a few steps, then drop his booty to the floor. "Oh, it's still swollen."
He was so cute.
Mikey's an idiot with the cone on.
If he's walking, and the cone touches anything he must stop. And we must rescue him. He's only gotten stuck a couple times, he just thinks he's stuck.
The cone also has an advantage - it's flea season. No worries about bites while putting it on, though since we're putting it on all 3 dogs tomorrow and throwing them out all day since all the humans will be gone, he won't have the cone on. Mom's worried about how many ways Captain Idiot can get stuck if unsupervised.
It cost $20, but we needed it because he is the man. His wang was so huge, his balls as big as the moon, the surgery was so drastic, of course, he'll be picking on them.
Actually, it has more to do with his age (he'll be 5 this summer!) and general orneriness.
Speaking of ornery dogs, Becky's friend brought over her two month old jet black pit, Memphis, Saturday night. Memphis doesn't need a leash, she knows how to sit, she knows how to shake - with both paws! (I warned her that it would lead to slapping later on, but she said Memphis already does this.)
I wanted to trade Wickett for Memphis, but no.
They're going to breed her - only with pure pits - but I bet a lab/pit would be gorgeous or a chow/pit. Labs mix well with others, and I love chows.
Anyways, Memphis is shy around other dogs, but had no problem demanding attention from me, mom, and Becky.
But Memphis is a pit, so she's automatically dangerous and could be outlawed and put down. Or her legal owners (Becky's friend's parents) would have to pay for an expensive insurance policy for their "dangerous" dog.
Mikey and Wickett are more likely to bite you than Memphis. Wickett was in Mom's arms when Memphis came over, screaming his head off. (I wanted to trade Memphis for Wickett - they're both black, and about the same size, but Memphis will get bigger.)
Mikey may have been abused before we got him, and Wickett's just a crab monkey and he did not have run of the house and the boobs at his first owner's home (they wanted to breed him!).
A poodle mix is more dangerous than a pure pit, at least in this situation. But who gets in trouble? The innocent pit. (Mikey only bites Becky, Wickett, and me.)
Chows are higher on the danger list, but they're not subject to all this speculation like pits are. Dixie's an angel, of course, as are all the chows and chow mixes I have met.
Some dogs are crab monkeys (Wickett). They do have their own personalities, you know.
But a dangerous dog is made dangerous by its human owner.
The Commercial Appeal ran a section a couple Sundays ago all about pit bulls in the Memphis area. It made me cry. The last picture was an innocent pit about to be put down because she'd been used as bait in dog fights. When she got put down, that was the only time she saw love, she got hugged as the poison put her to sleep.
Breeding and selling pits is a lucrative business, and most end up in dog fights. The humans involved get a slap on the wrist, and the dog gets put down - which it should be, it's only known a life of misery.
This was sparked by the story of a Memphis man who lost his hand to a pit.
So now, people who have negative experience with pits want to ban them, while those with positive experiences want to go after the people, not the dogs.
And, like someone said, if you ban pits, the people that do this will just move onto another breed.
I hope Memphis tightens animal cruelty laws and leaves innocent pits like Memphis out of this.
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